Congratulations Max Cui, our 2024 Aotearoa Barista Champion

Barista profile – Emma MW

Emma Markland Webster was the first person to represent NZ at the World Barista Championship and has lead the Championship cause ever since, find out more about Emma here
What is your earliest coffee related experience? My father returning from Kenya with bags of coffee! The smell was amazing. I remember the trusty coffee grinder (bladed spice mill) and filter drip.
When did you first get working in coffee? I first got into making coffee in Wellington after getting a job at The Dixon Street Deli. Cheese and coffee were my world.
What led you to becoming a barista? Ahh I didn’t really it was more about the job. Then my mother’s words…. If you’re going to do anything do it well!
What is the best part of your job? Meeting new people and talking about the tastes they find in their coffee.
Talk us through a typical work day. Coffee… More coffee… Check emails then it could be anything… Training, event management, meetings (mostly on line) and educational program development.
What are your roles outside of making coffee? Event management for the New Zealand Specialty Coffee Association, Chair of the Instructional design committee for World Coffee Events. And anything and everything coffee related. The question was outside of making coffee though?… Err geeking about coffee..
What is your favourite brew method and/or coffee origin and why? My favourite brew method, just quietly is the Swiss Gold. And as for origin? Ahh it changes, I do like naturals with a bit of funk factor.. But not too much..
Tulip or rosetta? Tulip as long as its crispy & clean
What would be your dream ‘coffee experience’? Ahh would be great to do an interesting origin trip rounded off with a Cup of Excellence experience.
Do you have a ‘coffee crush’ ? Ahh this one is tricky I respect many in the coffee industry around the world. I would have to say Indian cupper Sunalini Menon
