Congratulations Max Cui, our 2024 Aotearoa Barista Champion

Meadow Fresh New Zealand Latte Art Championship 2018

Note FREE public entry, all welcome! Tickets only apply to competitors…
Timeline open stage: 
9:05am Feiyan Jiang, Zone Cafe, Tauranga
9:14am Kevin Tuano, Mojo Coffee, Auckland
9:32am Leo Li, Atomic Coffee, Auckland
9:40am Seung Won Kim, Jamaica Blue, Mangere, Auckland
9:48am Hoony Chae, Mojo Coffee, Auckland
9:57am Gabriel Cuello, Longroom, Auckland
10:06am Charanjeet Singh Saini, Global Byte Cafe, Invercargill
10:15am Takashi Ueno, Cafe Agora, Hamilton
10:23am Eduardo Cesar, Cali Press NZ,  Auckland
10:32am Matt Ross, Excelso Coffee Roasters, Tauranga
10:41am Vishal Dhiman, Columbus Coffee, Auckland
10:50am Guru Singh, Woolfys, Auckland
10:59am Biao Zheng, Independent, Auckland
11:09am Tait Burge, Goldmine by Lamason, Wellington
11:18am Yunhui (James) Xu, Jamaica Blue Auckland Hospital, Auckland
11:29am Isabella Brown, The Block Cafe, Auckland
11:36am Jordan Hales, Ozone Coffee Roasters, New Plymouth
About the Championship:
The Meadow Fresh New Zealand Latte Art Championship leads to the World Latte Art Championship.
The New Zealand Latte Art Champion prize pack will include flights and accommodation to the World Latte Art Championship.
The New Zealand Latte Art Championship will be held in strict accordance to the World Latte Art Rules and Regulations, Code of Conduct and other rules pertaining to the event.
Event Overview
The Latte Art Championship highlights artistic expression in a competition platform that challenges the barista in an on-demand performance.
The New Zealand Championship comprises two separate rounds: a preliminary round and a final round.
During the preliminary round, baristas have eight minutes, where two identical free-pour lattes and two identical designer lattes are produced, replicating photographs of the intended pours.
The highest-scoring six competitors will compete in the final round entirely on stage ten (10) minutes. In final of this championship, the baristas present two identical samples of ‘art in a cup’ for three different beverages: two separate sets of matching free pour lattes and one set of matching designer pattern lattes (which may incorporate etching or similar techniques).
The two first pairs made only with a jug of milk. The designer latte may be etched. To ensure that the presented art is what the barista intended to deliver, the judges will be given a picture (photo) of the intended design prior to the start of the presentation. Artistic impressions of the design are allowed alongside the image (photo) but the photo shall be the point of reference to the judges scoring.
The beverages will be judged immediately for visual attributes, identical patterns in the pairs, the contrast in the patterns, and the baristas overall performance.
Event Overview Structure
This competition takes place over a day and consists of a preliminary round and a final round. Each competitor competes in the preliminary round, and then the top six will compete again in a finals round to determine the winner with the highest score, who becomes the Meadow Fresh New Zealand Latte Art Champion.  (Please note that this is only a summary description of the event and that detailed structure and rules for this competition are set forth in and controlled by the Official Rules and Regulations.)
The competition will be held in accordance with the World Latte Art Rules and Regulations and scoring, visit 2018 scoring and Rules & Regulations will apply.
View the Rules and Regulations here>
New Zealand Rules & Regs and competitor Terms & Conditions
The winner will represent New Zealand at the World event, flights and accommodation are covered.
The World Latte Art Championship will be taking place in Belo Horizonte, Brazil during international Coffee Week 7-9th November 2018
Many thanks to our generous sponsors
Meadow FreshCafetto AMC Roastery Supply NZKokako Organic Coffee Roasters, La Marzocco NZ and Castaway

Offical ceramic cup sponsor of the championship ACME & CO.
Official cup sizes: All latte ACME 190ml Evo Cappuccino
Please view the NZSCA ticketing terms & conditions here>
Not ready to compete? Volunteer now
Judges express your interest here> note industry experience is a pre-requisite
Competitors registered:
Charanjeet Singh Saini, Global Byte Cafe, Invercargill
Matt Ross, Excelso Coffee Roasters, Tauranga
Leo Li, Atomic Coffee, Auckland
Kevin Tuano, Mojo Coffee, Auckland
Hoony Chae, Mojo Coffee, Auckland
Isabella Brown, The Block Cafe, Auckland
Feiyan Jiang, Zone Cafe, Tauranga
Jordan Hales, Ozone Coffee Roasters, New Plymouth
Biao Zheng, Independent, Auckland
Vishal Dhiman, Columbus Coffee, Auckland
Guru Singh, Woolfys, Auckland
Gabriel Cuello, Longroom, Auckland
Yunhui (James) Xu, Jamaica Blue Auckland Hospital, Auckland
Seung Won Kim, Jamaica Blue, Mangere, Auckland
Tait Burge, Goldmine by Lamason, Wellington
Takashi Ueno, Cafe Agora, Hamilton
Eduardo Cesar, Cali Press NZ,  Auckland
