The 3D Festive Chino Challenge!
Introducing a fun online competition dedicated to those who love Christmas cheer! Simply make your version of the ultimate 3D Festive Chino and tag us @nzspeccoffee with the hashtag #3Dfestivechino to be in to WIN!
What is a Chino? Well, it is a rarely sighted previously unclassified drink, often seen on social media under the incorrect banner of Latte Art (featuring many, many cats). It may or may not include coffee, tea, chocolate or other beverage. What it does include is fluffy milk. This rare breed of fluffy milk was common in the ’80s and ’90s. In 2020, just like your cell phones, it has evolved to the next level! Sprinkles, syrups, food colourings are a must to highlight its Chino qualities.
👉 Your entry must include a description of the Chino, what type of milk used and the machine/device used to make it. An extra photo may or may not include someone consuming the festive Chino proving that it is edible/drinkable and tasty!?!
👉 A brief description of how it tasted the inspiration behind it, and what decorations/adornments used may, or may not gain points!
👉 3D Chino’s can be made on anything from a plunger to a home or commercial machine. (top tip for 3D foam: cool the foam in a fridge prior to your build) OR snap a pic of your favourite chino place. We want to hear about the cafe’s that make the best Christmas cheer Chino!
👉 Judged by four milk professionals including a famous (in New Zealand) food stylist/chef!
👉 Winner/s gets a coffee-related goodie pack from Coffee Gear Online, details of prizes to be found on our main website You also get bragging rights as the winner to the world’s first (to our knowledge) 3D Festive Challenge!
👉 This competition is online only and limited to those in New Zealand only. However, kudos will be given to any international entries. Just not prizes hashtag #fortheloveofthechino
👉 This competition runs from Monday 1 December until Friday 18 December. Winner/s will be announced on Monday 22 December 2020.
👉 This Instagram and Facebook competition and giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram or Facebook.
#tastywhitestuff #mastersofthemilk #doyouwanttodrinkit?probablynot #80sfoamquality #worldfirst #nzspeccoffee #fluffoff #tastiestmilkbeverage #passions #coffeeindustry
Many thanks to Coffee Gear Online for the prize packs!
1st Chefworks Barista Crossover Apron, Ankomn 1.2lt Turn n Seal coffee storage container & a Star Wars Stormtrooper Brew Keep Cup Value $100
2nd Chefworks Barista Crossover Apron, Star Wars Stormtrooper original Keep Cup Value $70
3rd Chefworks Barista Crossover Apron Value $40

Name: Sam Low
Day job: Ex Head Coffee trainer in Melbourne. Now full time eating around Auckland. Part time food re-plating.
What Christmas character do you identify with? Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo.
Best way to drink milk: A equal tie between pearl milk tea (Boba) and cold milk with 6 heaped table spoons of Milo.

Name: Finn Geoghegan
Day job: Sales Manager at Otis Oat Milk
What Christmas character do you identify with? An elf? Because I’m short and when I was younger my ears pointed out rather noticeably?
Best way to drink milk: Preferably Plant Based. Preferably Oat. Preferably Otis. Preferably Plenty.

Name: Hoony Chae
Day job: Barista, coffee trainer
What Christmas character do you identify with? Snow man!!
Best way to drink milk: Fill up a glass with cold milk and put a straw and drink it up!! 🤪

Name: Julia Wild
Day Job: Horeca sales manager
What Christmas character do you identify with? The third Christmas lobster, not everyone knows I exist, but once you do you tend to remember me.. (it’s a Love Actually reference, geddit?)
Best way to drink milk: A Flat white at 8am, very closely followed by a flat white at 9.30am