Sustainable Roasting: Exploring Energy-Efficient Air-Purification Solutions

Tue, 18 Feb, 9:30am – 10:30am

Member company ASCC has partnered with us to create a webinar about moving away from LPG gas and reducing Fossil energy and how that’s possible with the latest Probat technology.

Probat has innovated a new electric burner and can now run its legendary P series powered by electric and hydrogen burner technology. The best part is that the roasting quality is not compromised at all.

Combined with their electric catalyzers, it is an essential step that ensures compliance with local pollution regulations and also addresses environmental concerns like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter, and carbon monoxide emissions.

Join us as we delve into the innovative air-purification solutions provided by Probat and ReiCat, a leading Germany-based manufacturer, and discover how their technology is revolutionizing sustainability in coffee roasting.

What You’ll Learn:

• why roasters today don’t have to compromise when choosing an alternative heating system

• why Probat has developed both electrically heated and H2-powered roasters

• why comparisons like “xyz% less energy” can sometimes be misleading

Thanks to those who attended: there were some amazing takeaways and the future is exciting.  
