Congratulations Max Cui, our 2024 Aotearoa Barista Champion

Important Update

We hope everyone is well and managing the best you can in these uncertain times.

Following the announcement today, in consultation with our invested Sponsors, and with support from the Board, we have made the heartbreaking decision to cancel our two events planned for September.

Coffee In Good Spirits Throwdown due to be held on Thursday 3 September at Prefab Hall will now take place in 2021, TBC.

The Meadow Fresh NZ Barista Championship due on Saturday 5 September and Sunday 6 September will be held in early 2021, TBC.

We can only run these events if the whole country is in level 1. We have a significant number of people being sponsors, competitors, judges, volunteers and organisers based in Auckland.  It will cause too much stress to all involved if the levels remain as they are.

Our sponsors have been notified. We have asked that they stay on board with us given the time, energy and money spent already.

Our coffee community remains at the heart of our decisions.  We sincerely apologise to all that may have made travel and accommodation arrangements prior. We understand and appreciate the big commitment you have all made to making our Championships what they are. We are proud that we have recognised your talents through our social media and webpage.

All competitors will be given a full refund. We will regroup. We are resilient and we are strong together.

We thank you for your support, understanding and help in conveying this news.

Stay safe, be kind, drink local coffee.

Your NZSCA Board and community.
