Congratulations Max Cui, our 2024 Aotearoa Barista Champion

All competitors must have read and understood the rules. No exceptions apply for competitors who claim not to understand the Competitor Rules and Regulations. Competitors are encouraged to ask questions prior to arriving at the competition.
By filling in the entry form, you have acknowledged that you understand and will follow all Rules and Regulations and the Champions Code of Conduct for the New Zealand Championship event you entered in.

To be eligible for entry to a New Zealand Championship event, a competitor must:
1. 1.1.3 Nationality
Competitors must hold a valid New Zealand passport or documentation substantiating 24 months of residency, employment or scholastic enrolment, some portion of which must have been within 12 months preceding the qualifying national competition. Competitors may only participate in one country per WCC Competition Year. A WCC Competition Year is defined as the time period between the completion of one year’s WCC Event and the completion of the next year’s WCC Event.
1.1.4 Multiple Passports
In case of multiple passports, the contestant must choose one country and qualify through their respective sanctioned national championship.

Some exceptions are allowed upon request & understanding and signing a separate agreement. Those exceptions would not be able to rank or progress into the final round or top six of the championship.

Code of conduct for all competitors and teams/coaches

All competitors and their teams must:
In addition to this Code, all must read and adhere to the Rules and Regulations.

Support the World Coffee Championships vision and values.

Be committed to coffee excellence and promotion of the profession. Agree to approach the championship with a constructive and supportive attitude geared towards helping and supporting each other, improving the quality of specialty coffee around the world. Represent the Championship and its sponsors at all times with integrity and a professional attitude and behaviour and respecting provided equipment.

Disclose to NZSCA, by any required deadlines, any actual or perceived conflicts of interest, prior to the Championship.

Behave ethically, honestly, and with integrity. Abide by the NZSCA core values.

Respect fellow competitors, sponsors, volunteers and staff at all times.

Approach all involved within the championship with respect without bias toward nationality, race, language, gender or sexual orientation.

Abide by the national and local laws of the competition site, taking full responsibility for any violations and reporting them to the appropriate person immediately.

Failure to comply and/or breaching this Code of Conduct may result in revoking of the individual and/or teams to compete in the championship and future NZSCA events.

Champion/Representative, terms and conditions
In order to maintain the sanctity of the championship and avoid conflicts of interest the winner of the New Zealand Championship agrees that they will:

  1. Be available to travel to compete in the next World Championship that restrictions and travel allow. If unavailable to travel the prize cannot be exchanged for a cash prize, the opportunity will move to the next highest ranking competitor.
  2. Attend all World Championship meetings and competitors social events and be present and on time at the initial briefing and at the debriefing.
  3. Recognise that the New Zealand Specialty Coffee Association and the associated sponsors of the New Zealand Championship will provide economy airfares, accommodation for 8 nights and travel insurance for the winner. This cannot be transferred after the fact on booking.
  4. Have enough of their own funds to cover the costs of food, internal travel and miscellaneous costs while at the event.
  5. Allow the New Zealand Specialty Coffee Association and associated sponsors of the New Zealand Championship to use their name and image without charge for the purposes of promotion.
  6. Participate in associated media interviews, appearances, and functions and provide information for articles.
  7. Actively uphold the reputation of the New Zealand Championships by promoting the New Zealand Championship as the only pathway to the World Championship events and recognising the associated sponsors.
  8. Be respectful of any prizes or gifts given within the NZ Championship. If approaching any sponsors/parties for additional funding shall ensure all communication with them is communicated clearly prior with the NZSCA, to ensure respect to all parties including the existing sponsor base. This includes any communications that are had on your behalf by team members.
  9. Champions (from the period of time from becoming the Championship winner to next year’s event and/or the respective world Championship) will not endorse another businesses product or service that is in direct competition to any of the sponsors of the respective championship. If you feel like you may have a conflict of these terms and conditions, please get in contact asap. Failure to do so will result in voiding your champion title and the ranking and title will move to the second place competitor.

Failure to respect and follow these terms and conditions will result in the championship title being revoked and the title moving to the second place competitor. In the case of failure/refusal at the ‘World Event’ this will result in the individual being unable to compete again in a NZ national event (this includes all other NZSCA championship events).

All questions regarding the New Zealand Championship events should be directed to Emma Markland Webster NZSCA Events Director.

You will be asked to agree to this on purchasing your ticket and will be asked to sign this prior to competing.

Signed as understood:

Name (printed):


Note: On signing this you agree to this document on behalf of yourself, your team and coach/s also.




