Barista profile – Averil Cooper

Averil Cooper is a former NZ Cup Tasters Champion who represented us in Vienna in 2012. Find out more about her here
What is your earliest coffee related experience?
Mum’s silver coffee percolator bubbling away on the stove…the smell of a fresh brew of coffee brings it all back
When why did you first get working in coffee?
Telesales for Robert Harris way back 1990
What led you to becoming a barista?
Wanting to know everything about coffee
What is the best part of your job?
Training barista’s how to make a great cup of coffee…fast
Talk us through a typical work day
Cupping, make my morning coffees for the team, supporting, assessing & training…
What are your roles outside of making coffee?
Café Support manager – maintain operating standards for all aspects of the cafe
What is your favourite brew method and/or coffee origin and why?
Espresso – Yirgacheffe beautiful citrus floral notes, delicious!
Tulip or rosetta?
What would be your dream ‘coffee experience’?
Origin trip to Ethiopia or Brazil to build understanding
Do you have a ‘coffee crush’ ?
Toby Smith (Toby’s) humble guy who started a coffee business in his mum’s garage
