Congratulations Max Cui, our 2024 Aotearoa Barista Champion

Recognition Awards 2019 – With Life Time Achievement Award

Life Time Achievement Award:
For individuals who have distinguished themselves in terms of making a significant contribution to the New Zealand specialty coffee industry. NZSCA lifetime membership is awarded to people who have served the coffee industry in New Zealand or brought distinction to it over and above the normal course of their job.
For an individual to qualify for a Lifetime membership, they must have fulfilled one of the following:
1. Excellence and high achievement in their career that reflects positively on the coffee industry;
2. Having served with distinction in the management of, or service to, the NZSCA or the coffee industry.
Lifetime membership is the NZSCA’s highest honour in recognition of coffee excellence and contribution.
See our Lifetime Achievement winners John Burton and Jeff Kennedy here>

Photo credit: Nik van der Giesen
Life Time Achievement Award: Chris Dillon> 2019
Former President Tony Kerridge presented the award to Chris and had the following words to say: “While tonight is about acknowledging the people in our industry, it is also the opportunity to celebrate our industry. The turnout tonight and support for these awards shows the strength of our industry.
Where competitors in business can come together to celebrate and acknowledge individual contributions that ultimately benefit us all.
The Lifetime Achievement award is to recognise someone who has made a significant contribution to the New Zealand Speciality coffee industry.  Since the Association was formed in 2005, it has only been awarded twice and the last time was nine years ago.  It’s a special award and so it should be. *roll tape*
Coffee Supreme with branches throughout New Zealand and Australia and more recently Tokyo is testament to Chris’ business acumen in building a world-class coffee company.  Coffee Supreme was recently named by as one of the 10 best Coffee roasters in the world. 
This is what they had to say: “Coffee Supreme regularly wins awards for bag design and is generally excellent at presenting its coffee, then you drink the coffee.  Coffee Supreme is decades ahead of most rosters in the coffee world.  It’s at the bleeding edge of coffee sustainability.  Its semi-concept shop acts as the most well-curated coffee gear store on the planet.  Coffee Supreme is the complete package.”  
However, for me, what warrants this recognition tonight is the contribution Chirs has made to the New Zealand coffee industry.  Chris was a founding Board member of the Association in 2005 and remained active on the Board for six years – one of it’s longest serving Board members and I was fortunate to sit on the board with Chris and experience working with him first hand. 
When the Association was formed, it had 27 members – an initial group of people who were enthusiastic and perhaps a few who didn’t really grasp what was going on.  In year two, this grew to 42 Members, perhaps the FOMO affect at play.  In 2007, Chris became president and three years on, the quite natural mutterings of members started, questioning the Association, it’s role, is it worth it?  What am I getting out of it? and the like. This was a challenging time for the Association and Chris through his calm and reassuring leadership guided the Association through this period, so successfully that when he left that Board in 2010, membership had grown to 67 members. 
I personally consider his presidency to have been instrumental in cementing the future of the Association and I don’t say that lightly.  He proved strong leadership a very challenging period in the Association development.  I believe without this, we might not be here celebrating tonight.”
On-going Contribution Award:
The 2019 recipient: Kim Boyd
This is an award for an individual in recognition of their outstanding on-going contribution to the NZSCA and the NZ Coffee industry as a whole, they have consistently dedicated time and knowledge to make a lasting impact on the industry and the association.
These contributions may include but are not limited to the dedication of time, volunteerism, contributions of professional knowledge, exemplary work on a specific NZSCA project, or other notable contribution. Importantly, the contributions should be above and beyond the every day and have had a long-lasting impact on the NZ Industry as a whole.

Chris White of Altura Coffee had these words to say:
“Kim started as a barista 11 odd years ago on her return from Jpan, then she was scooped up as a barista trainer by one of those Wellington based coffee companies that invaded Auckland in the noughties.  Now she works for another Wellington based coffee companies that also invaded Auckland!  I’m trying to get Trump to build a wall at the Bombay Hills…
Kim has, for the last 10 years, been involved with local championships up and down the country and every certificated haded to every competitor and judge over the last 10 years has been handwritten by her impeccable calligraphy skills which is just one of her many talents.
Kim has also been a huge part of the World Barista Championship judging team worldwide for years and is highly respected by her fellow judges and by competing baristas.  This is due to the extremely high standards that she sets herself and her amazing attention to detail. 
One of my personal highlights with Kim was when Emma Markland Webster and myself had the job of asking Kim to judge the world barista finals in Seattle in 2015, her reaction was priceless and many a tea was shed (all by me). 
Kim’s dedication, passion and sense of humour make her one of those humans that you want to be around, not have to be around. 
I have asked a few people to say a few words about Kim and the most popular answers are a warm, caring, gentle soul.  Always keen to support people and share her time and knowledge.  Super smart and talented, even though she sometimes doesn’t realise this to the extent that she has these traits.  Super humble and an all-around great person. 
Most of all… handy to have when we are out at a Japanese restaurant. Deserved winner of this award… Kim Boyd”
Development Award

The 2019 Recipient: Masako Yamamoto
This is an award for an individual in recognition of their contribution to developing the NZSCA and the NZ Coffee industry as a whole.
These contributions may include but are not limited to the dedication of time, volunteerism, contributions of professional knowledge, exemplary work on a specific NZSCA project, or other notable contribution.

Friend of the NZSCA Award
The 2019 Recipient: Sam Low
For always being a passionate and enthusiastic supporter of the NZSCA.
This is an award for an independent individual in recognition of their personal contribution to the NZSCA. These contributions may include but are not limited to the dedication of time, volunteerism, contributions of professional knowledge, exemplary work on a specific NZSCA project, or other notable contribution.
Meg Wyper of Acme & Co presented this award and she had these great words to say:
“I’m so excited to be standing here presenting this award to two-time Latte Art and NZ Barista Champion 2016, Sam Low. 

He’s so focused on the NZ industry as a whole more so than on himself. It’s really refreshing to see a professional barista practising what they preach in such a sincere and graceful way. 

Sam goes above and beyond representing  New Zealand in the Industry, wither that’s as a barista, supporter, coach or just as a friend.

I have already mentioned this to some people but I was really impressed with how he presented himself and represented NZ off his own back in Boston at SCA, he makes an incredible effort to get to know people and introduce you to everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are in the industry you will be treated all the same. 

I couldn’t think of a more deserving person for this award.” 

