The NZSCA is excited to announce the new dates and sponsors for the Meadow Fresh NZ Latte Art Championship 2022 taking place on Sunday TBC July in Auckland.
Thanks to these generous companies who make our events happen. A massive amount of organization goes on behind the scenes and we are grateful to them.
If you’re a Latte Artist, have no regrets for 2022, practise, practise, practise!
Naming Rights and Milk Sponsor 2020/22/23 Barista and Latte Art
The team at Meadow Fresh loves coffee, and with over 80 million coffees made each year with Meadow Fresh milk, they think it’s important to do their part to support New Zealand’s coffee industry. That’s why they are so proud to be a long-time supporter of the NZSCA and are excited to be the naming rights sponsor of the New Zealand Barista Championship and New Zealand Latte Art Championship.
Espresso Machine Sponsor 2020/22/23 Barista and Latte Art
We love supporting our industry and coffee community in New Zealand, for this reason, La Marzocco has long been associated with specialty coffee and the places that care deeply for the quality of the coffee served.
The championship machine is the Linea Mini, which has all the performance of a professional machine yet is a cute domestic machine that brings café quality coffee to home, work, and smaller hospo spots.
La Marzocco delivers real innovation in espresso machines and none more so than back in 1939 when we patented and made the first espresso machine with horizontal boilers, which is now an industry standard.
This was a game-changer and our horizontal boiler design improved workflow, speed of service and provided baristas with an endless supply of steam to ensure perfectly textured milk.
To this day we still make beautifully designed machines with careful consideration of what baristas need, which is why La Marzocco celebrates excellence in coffee as the machine sponsor the Latte Art Championship
We love to support people willing to compete and showcase their skills in using our espresso machines regardless of their experience or background and hope to make competitions accessible to all as a sponsor.
So connect with us anytime @lamarzocconz on Instagram or drop us a note at
Cleaning Supplies Sponsor 2020/22/23 all events
Cafetto has been with us from the start and continues to support us now and into the future as our official cleaning supplies sponsor. They are involved in all three of our Championship events, Barista, Cup Tasters, and Latte Art.
Some words from Cafetto: Cafetto has been a long-standing and proud sponsor of the Meadow Fresh NZ Latte Art Championship and NZ events since 2005. With a commitment to innovation, particularly in the area of organics and eco-friendly products, Cafetto continues to provide the New Zealand coffee industry with the most effective cleaning products across all types of coffee machines.
A huge congratulations to all the competitors taking part. We wish you all the best of luck for the championships.
Chris and the Cafetto team
Grinder Sponsor 2020/22/23 all events
“Everything for a great cup of coffee…except the beans!”
By now you will hopefully know AMC Roastery Supply as the place to get your Mahlkoenig, Ditting, and Anfim grinders, thanks to our long-standing sponsorship of the New Zealand Coffee Championships. But did you know that our parent company is a third-generation family-owned business that was first registered in 1950 by Alec Clubb, a canny ex-pat Scot who began importing coffee equipment in the 1960s?
And did you also know that AMC Roastery Supply is the place to go for Diedrich coffee roasters, Actionpac packaging scales, and Fetco filter brewers? In each of the different equipment segments we supply, we have set about securing what we believe to be the best performing equipment brands in each of those segments. We try to sell solutions, not headaches.
Proudly supporting the Latte Art Championship with Mahlkonig next-generation E65s grinders as NZ’s original ‘King of Grinders’ dealer.
So, if you need to “Roast It, Pack It, Grind It, or Brew It” you should give Emma, Dave, or Greg a call. Go on, you know you want to!
Ceramic Cup Sponsor 2020/22/23 Latte Art
In New Zealand, Loveramics is exclusively distributed by Espresso Workshop Coffee Roasters. The Loveramics EGG range is the official supplier of the World Latte Art Championship cups.
Some words from Loveramics New Zealand: Launched in 2011 Loveramics has rapidly become an internationally recognized ceramics brand, synonymous with quality and craftsmanship. Loveramics are breaking the proverbial mold on pottery. Shattering stereotypes on classical and formal approaches, through stylish contemporary designs where our passion is evident in every piece.
What inspired the team at Espresso Workshop to become involved with Loveramics was the way they produced beautiful traditional designs while progressively releasing exciting innovative designs that move with contemporary trends in the industry.
At Loveramics New Zealand, we love the local coffee industry and love to embrace events that promote participation and excellence within our industry, it’s an absolute honour for us to sponsor the New Zealand Latte Art Championship. We are looking forward to getting amongst it!
Andrew, Mark, and the team from Loveramics NZ/Espresso Workshop.

Coffee Sponsor 2022 Latte Art
We’ve been roasting specialty espresso for a long time, over thirty years. From humble beginnings as a little coffee cart in Auckland, Allpress Espresso has evolved into a mature and sophisticated global brand, recognized and available throughout the world.
Three decades ago when Michael Allpress set up his first independent coffee cart, he wasn’t satisfied with the flavour or the attention to detail of the roasted beans on the market at the time. He decided that to get the taste he was after, he’d have to do it himself. He bought a secondhand roaster and embarked on a journey fueled by passion and the search for remarkable flavour.
The coffee industry can be a fast, trend-driven place. At Allpress, we do our best to carve our own path and look elsewhere for inspiration. We’ve been around long enough to have seen certain fashions cycle back for the second time. This has given us the confidence to stick to our values and focus on flavour. Great flavour is the constant.

Alternative Milk Sponsor 2022 Latte Art
“Alternative by nature, our plant-based milk’s are crafted for baristas. Welcome to the superlative alternative to dairy.
Here at The Alternative Dairy Co, we have one mission. To create plant-based milk’s that are perfected for baristas. We are driven by using what nature gave us to achieve that elusive ultimate experience in a cup. From our processes to our ingredients, our alternative ethos means we are forever pushing the boundaries to craft the best non-dairy alternatives for cafes.
We have created our milk for a strong performance with consistent stretching and canvassing, providing ideal texture and creaminess for pouring latte art. Because of this, we are proud to be the official plant-based milk sponsor of the Meadow Fresh NZ Latte Art Championship 2022 supporting the masters of the machine, the fanatics of the micro-foam, the superstars of the stretch to find the next latte art champion.”
From the farmers, competitors, roasters, judges, volunteers, coffee companies, the industry, to us, the organizers, we are truly appreciative and pumped for an epic 2022.
Opportunities are open for event partners too. Get in touch: